Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the under mentioned post. Department Police (India Reserve Battalion Regu...
Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the under mentioned post.
Police (India Reserve Battalion Regular Wing)
Name of post
Police Constable
Category No
18/2016 & 19/2016
Number of Vacancies
Age Limit
18 –26 Only candidates born between 2-1-1990 and 1-1-1998, (both days included) are eligible to apply for this post. The upper age limit shall be relaxed upto 29 years for candidates belonging to OBC, upto 31 years for SC and ST and upto 41 years for Ex-Servicemen.
Educational Qualifications
SSLC pass or its equivalent. In the case of Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes candidates who have failed in the SSLC Examination shall also be considered if sufficient number of qualified candidates are not available to fill up the quota of Police Constables reserved for the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes.
Scale of Pay
R 10,480 – 18,300/- (PR)
How to apply
Candidates must register through ‘ONE TIME REGISTRATION’ link of the Official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission for applying for the post. Candidates who have already registered shall apply by logging in to their profile using their User- ID and password. Candidates shall click on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective posts in the Notification link to apply for a post. No application fee is required.
Last date
13.04.2016 Wednesday up to 12 Midnight.