Kerala SIDCO Recruitment 2020 │ Kerala Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd (SIDCO) | Assistant, Sales Executive, Technician and Others | Total Vacancies: 56 | Last Date: 12th March 2020 | Apply Mode: Offline |Website:
Kerala Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd (SIDCO) is officially out for filling up the project based 56 positions of Assistant Engineer, Sales Executive and Various in Kerala Small Industries Development Corporation (Kerala SIDCO). Candidate should be an Indian Citizen.
A candidate who desires to apply for these positions should send their completed applications to the given address on or before the due date of 12-03-2020. Other details of like Education Qualification Details, Required Age Limit, Mode Of selection, Fee Details and How to Apply are given below…
2. അസിസ്റ്റൻ്റ് എക്സിക്യുട്ടീവ് - 28000
3. സെയിൽസ് എക്സിക്യുട്ടീവ് - 15000
4. ഓഡിറ്റ് അസിസ്റ്റൻ്റ് - 16000
5. ടെക്നീഷ്യൻ - 16000
The applicant should mention the envelope correctly as "'Application for the post of ___' Assistant Engineer, Sales Executive and Various
A candidate who desires to apply for these positions should send their completed applications to the given address on or before the due date of 12-03-2020. Other details of like Education Qualification Details, Required Age Limit, Mode Of selection, Fee Details and How to Apply are given below…
Organization Name
Kerala Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd (SIDCO)
Job Type
Kerala Govt Jobs
PER(1)/Cont/AEEgr/SIDCO/2020-2021Advt No
Job Name
Assistant, Sales Executive, Technician, and Others
Total Vacancy
Job Location
Vacancy Details
- Assistant Engineer- 11
- Assistant Executive Engineer- 8
- Sales Executive- 19
- Audit Assistant- 17
- Technician- 1
Qualification for Kerala SIDCO Recruitment 2020
Assistant Engineer- Diploma / B.Tech in Civil Engineering and min 2-5 yrs experience
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering/ Electrical Engineering and min 7 yrs experience
- 12th and min 1 yrs experience
- B.Com and min 1 yrs experience
- Diploma in Hardware & Networking and min 1 yrs experience
Pay Scale
1. അസിസ്റ്റൻ്റ് എൻജിനീയര് - 250002. അസിസ്റ്റൻ്റ് എക്സിക്യുട്ടീവ് - 28000
3. സെയിൽസ് എക്സിക്യുട്ടീവ് - 15000
4. ഓഡിറ്റ് അസിസ്റ്റൻ്റ് - 16000
5. ടെക്നീഷ്യൻ - 16000
Kerala SIDCO Recruitment 2020 Selection Procedure :
Candidates will be selected for concerned posts based on performance in Test / Interview.Structure of Fee :
Nil.വൻ അവസരങ്ങളുമായി SSC വിളിക്കുന്നു │1300 ൽ അധികം ഒഴിവുകൾ│പത്താം ക്ലാസ്/ പ്ലസ്ടു/ ഡിഗ്രി യോഗ്യത ഉള്ളവർക്ക് അവസരം
How to Apply for Kerala SIDCO Recruitment 2020 :
Applicants are required to submit all relevant documents and a passport size photograph of the candidate to be affixed with the Application form before 12-03-2020. Application forms which are incomplete or defective or received late are liable to be rejected summarily and no correspondence will be entertained on such applications.The applicant should mention the envelope correctly as "'Application for the post of ___' Assistant Engineer, Sales Executive and Various
Address :
Managing Director, Kerala Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd, VIth Floor, Housing Board Building, Santhi Nagar, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 001.Official Links:
Official Notification: Click Here
Official Website: Click Here
Official Website: Click Here
Kerala SIDCO Recruitment 2020 Important Dates :
- The application form will be submitted on or before: 12-03-2020.