a Heading: Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023: Apply for 709 MTS, SO, DEO and Other Posts by May ..a Heading: Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023: Apply for 16
Other details like Education Qualification Details, Required Age Limit, Mode Of selection, Fee Details, and How to Apply are given below.
Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023: Apply for 709 MTS, SO, DEO, and Other
Organization Name Visva Bharati Santiniketan Central University Job Type Kerala Govt Recruitment Type Direct Recruitment Post Name Multi-Tasking Staff(MTS), Lower Division Clerk/ Junior Officer Assistant cum Typist, Laboratory Attendant, and other posts. Total Vacancy 709 Job Location All Over India
Organization Name | Visva Bharati Santiniketan Central University |
Job Type | Kerala Govt |
Recruitment Type | Direct Recruitment |
Post Name | Multi-Tasking Staff(MTS), Lower Division Clerk/ Junior Officer Assistant cum Typist, Laboratory Attendant, and other posts. |
Total Vacancy | 709 |
Job Location | All Over India |
DistrictVacancy Details
- Multi Tasking Staff (MTS):405
- Lower Division Clerk / Junior Office Assistant cum Typist:99
- Laboratory Attendant:45
- Registrar:03
- Finance Officer:01
- Librarian:01
- Deputy Registrar:01
- Internal Audit Officer (Deputation):01
- Assistant Librarian:06
- Assistant Registrar:02
- Section Officer:04
- Assistant / Senior Assistant:05
- Upper Division Clerk / Officer Assistant:29
- Professional Assistant;05
- Semi Professional Assistant:04
- Library Assistant:01
- Library Attendant;30
- Laboratory Assistant:16
- Assistant Engineer (Electrical);01
- Assistant Engineer (Civil);01
- Junior Engineer (Civil);09
- Junior Engineer (Electrical):01
- Private Secretary / PA Level-B;07
- Private Secretary / PA Level-C:08
- Stenographer;02
- Security Inspector;01
- Senior Technical Assistant;02
- Technical Assistant;17
- Senior System Analyst;01
- System Programmer;03
Educational Qualifications:
Registrar: - Master's Degree with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade with at least 15 years experience as an Assistant Professor.
Finance Officer:
- Master's Degree with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade with at least 15 years experience as Assistant Professor.
- Master's Degree in Library Science / Information Science / Documentation Science. Ph.D. Degree in Library Science / Information Science / Documentation / Archives and manuscript keeping. At least 10 years of experience.
Deputy Registrar:
- Master's Degree with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade with 05 years of administrative experience.
Internal Audit Officer:
- Officers belonging to Audit and Accounts Services or other similar organized services in Central / State Government.
Assistant Librarian:
- A Master's Degree in Library Science or Information Science or Documentation Science or an equivalent professional degree with at least 55% marks. NET / SET / SLET Qualification.
Assistant Registrar:
- Master's Degree with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade.
Section Officer:
- A Bachelor's Degree in any discipline. 03 years relevant experience.
Assistant / Senior Assistant:
- A Bachelor's Degree in any discipline. 03 years relevant experience.
Upper Division Clerk / Officer Assistant:
- A Bachelor's Degree in any discipline + 02 years experience as LDC / Junior Office Assistant + Speed in English Typing @ 35 wpm. Proficiency in Computer Operations.
Lower Division Clerk / Junior Office Assistant cum Typist:
- A Bachelor's Degree. English Typing @ 35 wpm. Proficiency in Computer Operations.
Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS):
- 10th Class / Matriculation Pass or ITI Pass.
Professional Assistant:
- Post Graduate in Library and Information Science with 02 years relevant experience (OR) Bachelor's Degree in Library and Information Science with 03 years relevant experience.
Semi-Professional Assistant:
- Post Graduate in Library and Information Science (OR) Bachelor's Degree in Library and Information Science with 02 years relevant experience.
Library Assistant:
- Bachelor's Degree in Library and Information Science or equivalent. Typing speed of 30 words per minute in English. Knowledge of Computer Applications.
Library Attendant:
- 10+2 Pass. Library Science certificate course. 01-year relevant experience. Basic Knowledge of Computer Applications.
Laboratory Assistant:
- Bachelor's Degree with 02 years of working and maintenance experience.
Laboratory Attendant:
- 10+2 Pass in Science Stream (OR) Matriculation Pass with Science as one of the subjects and passed in skill certificate program in Laboratory Technology.
Assistant Engineer:
- 1st class Bachelor's Degree in the relevant engineering field. 03 years relevant experience.
Junior Engineer:
- B.E. / B.Tech in relevant field (OR) Diploma in Engineering in relevant field.
- PA Level-B: Bachelor's Degree + at least 03 years experience. English Stenography Speed: 120 w.p.m. in English, English Typing speed: 35 w.p.m. in English. Knowledge of Computer Applications.
Private Secretary / PA Level-C:
- Bachelor's Degree. English Stenography Speed: 100 w.p.m. in English, English Typing speed: 35 w.p.m. in English. Knowledge of Computer Applications.
- Bachelor's Degree in any discipline. English Stenography Speed: 80 w.p.m. in English, English Typing speed: 35 w.p.m. in English.
Senior Technical Assistant:
- Post Graduate in relevant subject with 02 years experience in relevant field.
Technical Assistant:
- Bachelor's Degree in relevant subject with minimum 03 years relevant experience.
Security Inspector:
- Bachelor's Degree in relevant subject with minimum 03 years relevant experience. Holding a valid Driving License (LMV / Motor Cycle).
Senior System Analyst:
- B.E. / B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) with at least 55% marks (OR) M.Sc. (Computer Science) / MCA / M.Tech (CSE) with 55% marks.
System Programmer:
- B.E. / B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering / Electronics Engineering. 05 years of programming experience.
🔥അടുത്തുള്ള സഹകരണ ബാങ്കുകളിൽ അവസരം.
▪️ ജൂനിയർ ക്ലർക്ക്/ കാഷ്യർ
▪️ സിസ്റ്റം അഡ്മിനിസ്ട്രേറ്റർ
▪️ ഡാറ്റാ എൻട്രി ഓപ്പറേറ്റർ
▪️ ടൈപ്പിസ്റ്റ്
▪️ സെക്രട്ടറി
▪️ അസിസ്റ്റന്റ് സെക്രട്ടറി
🎯 65000 രൂപ വരെ ശമ്പളം
🎯 എഴുപതോളം ബാങ്കുകളിൽ അവസരം
Visva Bharati Recruitment Age Limit:
- Registrar, Finance Officer, and Librarian: Below 57 years
- Deputy Registrar, Senior System Analyst:50 years
- Internal Audit Officer:56 years
- Other Group A Posts:40 years
- Group B Posts:35 years
- All Group C Posts:32 years
Application Fee
The application fee differs according to the post applied for. For Group 'A' posts (Academic Level/Level-14), the fee for General, EWS, and OBC is Rs. 2000, while for SC/ST it is Rs. 500. Similarly, for Group 'C' posts, the fee for General, EWS and OBC candidates is Rs. 900, and for SC/ST the fee is Rs. 225.
Selection Process
The Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023 selection process mainly involves four stages; Written Test, Skill Test (if required), Document Verification, and Medical ExaminationHow to apply for Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023?
- Step 1. Visit the official website at vbharatirec.nta.ac.in
- Step 2. On the homepage, click on the link that reads, "Visva-Bharati Recruitment Test - 2023 Online Registration"
- Step 3. A new page will open, register yourself and fill out the application form
- Step 4. Upload the required documents and pay the application fee, if applicable
- Step 5. Download and take a printout of the application form for future reference
Official Links:
Notification Link: | Click Here |
Application Link: | Click Here |
Focusing Dates:
- Registration Dates.:17th April to 16th May 2023
⚫ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- [accordion]
- What is Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023?
- Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023 is the process through which Visva Bharati University aims to fill 709 vacancies for various posts including MTS, Lower Division Clerk, Library Attendant, Laboratory Attendant, Section Officer, Junior Engineer, Stenographer, and others.
- What is the last date to apply for Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023?
- The last date to apply for Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023 is May 16, 2023.
- How can I apply for Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023?
- Candidates can apply for Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023 by visiting the official website at vbharatirec.nta.ac.in and filling in the application form with accurate information and uploading the necessary documents before the last date of registration.
- What are the eligibility criteria for Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023?
- The eligibility criteria for Visva Bharati Recruitment 2023 may vary depending on the post. However, generally, candidates must have the required educational qualifications, age limit, and other eligibility criteria as specified in the notification.
Stay tuned to Free Job Alert for more updates and alerts on government job vacancies. Keep yourself updated with the latest information on job vacancies and recruitment processes to enhance your chances of getting selected for these positions.